Room needed near as possible to Regent Street

 female seeking a single room    in a mixed male and female house.

£800 per month


Looking for a single or double room for 2 nights most weeks, with 4 nights one week per month, as near as possible to Regent Street - looking for a daily commut of less than 30 minutes each way. I am a smoker but would not be expecting to smoke inside - hoping for ability to smoke in garden/off-street. Private bathroom would be good but not a deal breaker. Otherwise no particular requirements. I am female, late 30s, accountant.

Bedroom Size:


Household Gender:

   A mixed male and female house


 £800 per month

Needed From:

  29 Jan 2024


Locations are approximate

Advertised by Sam0184

Age: not specified

Gender: female

Occupation: not specified

Interests: not specified

Reference Detail: not specified

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